Annual Survey of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India: Tracking the Impact of E-commerce Integration on MSMEs (Phase 3)

The objective of this study is to assess the impact of e-commerce integration on manufacturing sector MSMEs in India and compare the performance of MSMEs integrated on e-commerce platform with the non-integrated firms. For this, a pan-India survey of about 2300 MSMEs across seven product categories will be carried out.

This study is a continuation of the previous two surveys conducted by ICRIER. Building on these surveys, this third survey of MSMEs will introduce two new features: (i) expand the survey to include consumer electronics, thereby also increasing the sample size and (ii) assess new dimensions such as export orientation of MSMEs in detail.

Additionally, to capture the long-term impact of e-commerce on MSMEs in India, a longitudinal survey database is being created that allows both cross-sectional and inter-temporal assessment of the impact of e-commerce on MSMEs in the country.

Over the next few weeks, the team will be working on the survey questionnaire, in consultation with key stakeholders, including government officials (DGFT, DPIIT and Ministry of MSMEs), Federations and other industry bodies. This will be followed by pilot survey of MSMEs and subsequently, launch of the full survey. If anyone is interested in joining the pilot surveys, please let the team know. Pilot survey will be carried out in the Month of July.