Dr. Anjali Singh

Dr. Anjali Singh

Senior Fellow

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Dr Anjali Singh is a Senior Fellow at ICRIER. Prior to ICRIER, she worked as a Research Scientist (group lead of technology assessment group) at Centre of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP), Bangalore, India. At CSTEP, she worked multiple projects – technology assessment framework, circular economy for critical raw materials in India, DST funded project on Na-ion batteries. Her research at CSTEP was to identify the novel electrode materials for Na-ion batteries using first-principles studies based on density functional theory, comparative analysis of various Li-ion batteries and understand the sustainability aspects of Li-ion batteries by adoption of circular economy and recycling.

She had a PhD degree in Material Science from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, India. During her doctoral thesis at JNCASR, she used first-principles density functional theory to understand how structural, electronic, and vibrational properties of two- and three-dimensional materials are influenced by crystal imperfections (defects) and external field. The materials studied in her work are not only technologically important but are also fundamentally interesting and exhibit unusual phenomena involving the physics of coupled electrons and phonons. Prior to JNCASR, she worked as a Project Associate at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. She has completed her MSc Physics, and BSc (Hons) Physics from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

Her research interest includes simulation and modelling of materials as well as studying materials suitable for energy and environment, technology assessment, critical raw materials, battery recycling, circular economy, and semiconductors.